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Stop Cock Maintenance

Stop cocks are commonly used for high pressure water in-let pipes, just like the mains water supply to your home. It is important that you know the location of your stopcock, so that you are able to shut off your water supply in case of an emergency. They are most commonly located near the kitchen sink or possibly near your front door.

As with all valves, it is a good idea to turn them off and on again every so often to make sure they don’t seize up, this way you know that the valve will be in full working order should you ever need to use it.

If you notice that water is dribbling very slightly from the gland nut, this can often be rectified by adjusting the tightness a little.

Make sure you hold the valve body firmly with a wrench whilst you are tightening up the nut. Doing this will ensure that you do not put any unnecessary pressure on the pipework or fittings.

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